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Revision as of 16:16, 6 June 2011 by Maletruv (talk | contribs) (Business Goals and Domain Assumptions)
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Case study Description

Business Goals and Domain Assumptions

Business Goals and the Domain Assumptions for the current case study.

Business Goals

Table BG1. Business Goal ALERT-BG1
Field Description
Short Name Enable efficient duplicates identification
Type Business Goals.
Description Help developers and gatekeepers to manage issues. Developers should not work on duplicates, but instead access all duplicated issue entries to get more description on the issue. Gatekeepers should be notified of possible duplicates. Customers should be notified when their entry is a possible duplicate.
Rationale Developers loose time with duplicates. Duplicate entries should instead help to get more complete information.
Involved Stakeholders Customer, Gatekeeper
Conflicts Poor detection could ruin the process.
Priority of accomplishment Should have

Domain Assumptions

the tables containing the domain assumptions

Table DA1. Assumption ID
Field Description
UniqueID ID
Short Name
Type Domain assumption
Involved Stakeholders
Supporting Material
Priority of accomplishment

Domain Analysis

Strategic Dependency Model and Context Diagram

Domain Model


the list of the scenarios

Table S1: Scenario ID
Field Description
UniqueID ID
Short Name
Related To
Involved Actors
Detailed Operational Description
Problems and Challenges
Additional Material